Prevention of surgical site infection (SSI)

KRINKO Recommendation: Prevention of Surgical Site Infection (SSI)

Accounting for approx. 24 %, SSIs are the most frequent nosocomial infections in German acute-care hospitals, while the risk of infection depends on the type of operation. Bacteria, rarely in combination with fungi, are the most common pathogens of an SSI, and the spectrum of pathogens varies depending on the surgical site and type of operation, respectively. Based on the OP-KISS (German surgical site infection surveillance) data from 2010 to 2014, the Robert Koch-Institute reports the following bacteria shares for selected surgical procedures 1:

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Factsheet Surgical site infections (SSI)

With more than 410,000 surgical interventions on the heart and almost 770,000 on blood vessels, the specialist areas of cardiac and vascular surgery accounted for almost 7% of the nearly 17 million operations documented in German hospitals in 2018.

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Preventing Surgical Site Infections (SSI)

The number of surgical procedures performed in the industrialised nations of Europe is steadily increasing. The prevention of surgical site infections (SSI, postoperative wound infection) is therefore becoming an increasingly important issue. SSI is currently the second most common cause of hospital acquired infections (HAIs) in Europe. The Robert Koch Institute (KRINKO) provides detailed recommendations for avoiding SSI in all three phases of an operation. Preventive measures can help to avoid most infections that occur during surgery.

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An Infection with noroviruses causes gastroenteritis, a gastrointestinal inflammation in humans. The insidious thing about this virus is that it continually changes its genome, making a universal treatment impossible. The virus exists worldwide, and is responsible for 30 percent of non-bacterial intestinal infections in children and 50 percent in adults.

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Promoting wound healing after surgery by choosing the right dressing

Wound cleansing and the application of adequate phase-oriented wound dressings are an important line of defence against surgical site infections (SSI), a serious complication which affects millions of patients every year. Dressings not only act as a physical barrier to avoid wound contamination but can actively support the healing process.

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L&R Prevent & Protect – platform for infection control

Our informative platform for infection control

L&R Prevent & Protect is intended to keep those in charge of hygiene in the healthcare sector up to date with articles on current research in the fields of hygiene , microbiology and epidemiology. We use scientific studies and complement them with practice-based guidelines , we research helpful facts and report on best-practice experiences of hygiene experts. Our databases on clinically relevant pathogens as well as on basic terms of hygiene and disinfection are updated on an ongoing basis. And we offer helpful and comprehensive information for daily routine in infection prevention .

Our motivation: sound hygiene for clinical practice

The combination of scientific findings and practical application guides all our actions and forms the basis for our user-friendly products and solutions . They allow us to support healthcare professionals in performing caregiving and treatment activities conveniently and efficiently. We assist physicians and nurses in their efforts to prevent infections — to jointly alleviate human suffering and reduce costs caused by infectious diseases.

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